npm provenance public beta

npm packages built on a cloud CI/CD system (like GitHub Actions) can now publish with provenance, meaning the package has verifiable links back to its source code and build instructions.

The cloud CI/CD system securely communicates this information by sending provenance information in a signed OIDC JWT to Sigstore's public-good servers, which returns a signing certificate that is sent to the registry along with your built package.

Here's an example of how to do a build with provenance in a GitHub Actions workflow:

name: Publish Package to npmjs
   types: [created]
   runs-on: ubuntu-latest
     contents: read
     id-token: write
     - uses: actions/checkout@v3
     - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
         node-version: '18.x'
         registry-url: ''
     - run: npm install -g npm
     - run: npm ci
     - run: npm publish --provenance --access public
         NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}

Once published, packages display provenance on the registry website:

Provenance displayed on the registry website

Dependencies with provenance can also be verified from the command line with npm audit signatures.

For more information, see generating provenance.

On March 30, 2023, we fixed a bug that allowed a dependency graph hovercard URL to be used to retrieve the name, description, and star count of any repository on The bug was introduced on March 28, 2023 and our investigation has found no evidence of exploitation. To exploit the bug, a specific header needed to be set when making a request to the URL and the numeric ID of a repository provided. The URL would then return the HTML content designed to be used for a hovercard UI element with the repository name, description, and star count in the response.

This bug was reported to GitHub via the GitHub Bug Bounty program.

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