Expanding the Triage role and introducing new options for how content is reported

We're excited to share four improvements that we think will improve how moderators maintain their communities. Our goal with thesse improvements is to help moderators of large communities distribute the workload of maintaining healthy discourse. The improvements we're proposing are:

  1. Allowing users with the triage role to make the following changes (only within Discussions):
    a. Move Discussions to a different cateogory
    b. Convert Issues to Discussions in bulk
    c. Hide Discussion comments
    d. Edit and delete Discussion comments
  2. Allowing users with the triage role to report content. (Impacts Discussions, Issues, PRs).
  3. Let prior contributors be able to report content by default in new repos. (Impacts Discussions, Issues, PRs).
  4. Maintainers can choose to let ALL users report content. (Impacts Discussions, Issues, PRs).

The first two changes to the triage role impact existing users with that permission. These changes slightly increase the scope of what the role can do – but we believe that these changes are consistent with how the majority of maintainers are trying to use the triage role.

Changes 3 and 4 impact who can report content by default. Moving forward, new repos will get a better default (letting prior contributors report content), but ultimately, we're putting the power in the hands of maintainers to decide how best to run their communities.

For questions or feedback, please visit our community.

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Choosing who to sponsor and sponsoring many of your dependencies is now a lot easier! Starting today you can export your list of sponsorable dependencies from the Sponsors Explore page, this gives you a great starting point when making your GitHub Sponsors selections. Once you've made those selections you can upload them in a CSV, review and edit the one-time sponsorships, and checkout in one transaction.

Read the documentation for details or go to Sponsors Explore and get started. Let us know what you think.

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GitHub Code Scanning now supports scanning projects built with C#11 / .NET 7 and leveraging the latest language features.

These features include:

  • Generic attributes
  • Generic math support
  • Numeric IntPtr and UIntPtr
  • Newlines in string interpolations
  • List patterns
  • Improved method group conversion to delegate
  • Raw string liters
  • Auto-default struct
  • Pattern match Span or ReadOnlySpan on a constant string
  • Extended nameof scope
  • UTF-8 string literals
  • Required members
  • ref fields and ref scoped variables
  • File scoped types

C# 11 / .NET 7 support is available by default in GitHub.com code scanning, the CodeQL CLI, and the CodeQL extension for VS Code.

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