Cutoff deadlines and improved assignment dashboard for GitHub Classroom Educators, better deadline visibility for Students

Educators using GitHub Classroom can now optionally set a assignment deadline to be a "hard cutoff." If you use a cutoff date, students will lose write access to their assignment repositories after the cutoff date has passed.

You can grant individual students and groups extensions to allow them more time to submit an assignment.

The assignment dashboard view is now updated to better indicate whether a student has committed to their repository on-time (before the deadline), late (after the deadline), or both. You can easily filter the dashboard view on these states, and quickly click through to the latest on-time and late commits of a student's repository.

Addressing a big ask from students, they can now click a button in their assignment README to view the deadline of the assignment at any time.

Read more about creating a new assignment, extending a deadline, and students' ability to view their assignment's deadline.

We've recently released a few improvements to the slide-out enablement panel on the security coverage page in security overview:

  • Active committers for the repository are now visible, providing insight into the number of Advanced Security licenses being utilized. For repositories where Advanced Security is not enabled, the number indicates the number of licenses required to enable the feature.
  • Unsaved changes are now clearly labeled with a "Modified" tag. Additionally, the "Save security settings" button now displays the total number of enablement changes being made.
  • While a security feature is being enabled, the coverage page will show a status of "Updating…" to keep you informed of the ongoing process.

    Security coverage slide-out panel

These improvements have shipped to and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.9.

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