Incremental improvements to the security coverage enablement slide-out panel

We've recently released a few improvements to the slide-out enablement panel on the security coverage page in security overview:

  • Active committers for the repository are now visible, providing insight into the number of Advanced Security licenses being utilized. For repositories where Advanced Security is not enabled, the number indicates the number of licenses required to enable the feature.
  • Unsaved changes are now clearly labeled with a "Modified" tag. Additionally, the "Save security settings" button now displays the total number of enablement changes being made.
  • While a security feature is being enabled, the coverage page will show a status of "Updating…" to keep you informed of the ongoing process.

    Security coverage slide-out panel

These improvements have shipped to and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.9.

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Organization owners can now automate the approval and auditing of fine-grained personal access tokens (PATs) in their organization using a GitHub app. New APIs and webhook events allow a GitHub app to be notified of new PAT requests in an organization, review the request, and then approve or deny the PAT. They also provide a view of all approved fine-grained PATs for an organization, with the ability to revoke their authorization as well. These APIs and events are part of the ongoing fine-grained PAT public beta that launched last year.

Mermaid diagram indicating how a request from a user triggers a webhook event to an app, who can then review the request and choose to approve it. Later, the application can review all approved PATs, and choose to revoke one, resulting in an email notification to the user who created the PAT.

Details included in the webhook event and API listings include the repositories and permissions requested, the expiration time of the token, and the user's explanation for what they plan to do with the PAT. The personal_access_token_request events are generated when a request is created, approved or denied by an administrator or application, or cancelled by the requesting user.

Only a GitHub app is able to call these APIs, either acting on its own or on behalf of a signed-in organization administrator.
The organization_personal_access_tokens permission is needed to manage the active tokens, while the organization_personal_access_token_requests permission enables the app to recieve webhooks about requests and call the request management APIs.

Organizations must have the personal access token approval flow enabled in order to manage these requests, otherwise fine-grained personal access tokens are automatically approved for the organization (which generates a personal_access_token_request: approved event).

To learn more about these APIs, see "List requests to access organization resources with fine-grained PATs" and the "personal_access_token_request webhook event". To learn more about fine-grained PATs, and how to enable them for your organization, see "Setting a personal access token policy for your organization".

If you have feedback or bugs to report about fine-grained PATs, please let us know in the dedicated feedback discussion.

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