Comment on files in a pull request (public beta)

Commenting directly on a file in a pull request (not just a specific line) is now available in public beta! 🎉

With this capability you can now comment on deleted, binary (including images), and renamed files in a pull request. You can also comment generally about a changed code file without having to attach the comment to a specific line.

How it works

To comment on any file in a pull request, click the Comment on this file button in the header of the file (next to the Viewed checkbox):

Comments on files appear in the Files Changed and Conversation tabs and can be replied to and resolved like regular review comments.

Tell us what you think

This feature is currently in public beta, with GitHub Mobile and API support coming soon.

Join the discussion and let us know what you think!

Projects on GitHub Mobile

Projects on GitHub Mobile are now available for iOS and Android! Find the projects you're working on through a repository, organization, or from your user profile. You can also easily change views in a project to browse your issues and pull requests grouped and organized just as you like.

Custom fields and metadata, such as status, category, priority, and iteration, are displayed as an easy-to-read list within a project item. Simply tap on the list to edit the fields, or long-press on a project item for further actions like closing it or previewing its content.

Update your GitHub Mobile apps today from the Android Google Play or iOS App Store.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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GitHub organization owners can now opt-in to a public beta to display organization members' IP addresseses in audit logs events. When enabled, IP addresses will be displayed for all audit log events performed by organization members on organization assets other than public repositories, which will be treated differently due to privacy obligations.

The inclusion of IP addresses in audit logs helps software developers and administrators protect their systems and data from potential threats and improve their overall security posture by providing the source of an action or event within a system or network. This information is crucial for troubleshooting issues or investigating security incidents. IP addresses are often used in forensic investigations to trace the origin of cyberattacks, unauthorized access, or other malicious activities.

For additional information and instructions for enabling this feature, read about displaying IP addresses in the audit log for your organization.

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