GitHub Issues & Projects – March 9th update

Today's Changelog brings you auto-add and auto-archive workflows for all users to make managing your project a breeze, and tasklists improvements!

🤖 Automatically add and archive project items

We previously announced the public beta of the auto-archive workflow and the auto-add workflow for Enterprise users, and today we are excited to share these are now available to everyone!

From the Workflows page in your project, configure the filter criteria for when you want to automatically archive items from your project via Auto-archive items, as well as automatically adding items from a repository to your project via Auto-add to project.

Note Multi-repository auto-add workflows are only available to Team and Enterprise users

✅ Tasklist improvements

As part of our ongoing Private Beta for Tasklists, we continue to ship weekly improvements! We're letting in new organizations regularly, sign yours up here.

🟣 See completion pills for issues

Issues in your tasklist now have completion pills which indicate whether or not they have children, making it easier to understand how close your tasklist is to completion.

✏️ Edit issue metadata directly from the tasklist

Quickly make edits to assignees, labels and projects straight from a tasklist.

🐞 Tasklist bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed a bug where labels and assignee meta-data took a very long time to be reflected on tasklists
  • Better support for issue deletion and transfer of issues within tasklists
  • Fixed a visual bug with tasklist drag-and-drop
  • Fixed a bug where long task titles broke tasklists
  • Fixed a bug where empty tasks broke tasklists

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed misaligned field pills on board items
  • Fixed misaligned board columns when grouped by an iteration field
  • Fixed a bug where closed projects were included in the project count

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

Today we have released multi-repository variant analysis for CodeQL in public beta to help the OSS security community power up their research with CodeQL.

CodeQL is the static code analysis engine that powers GitHub code scanning. Out of the box, CodeQL is able to find many different types of security vulnerability and flag them up in pull requests.

But one of CodeQL’s superpowers is its versatility and customizability: you can use it to find virtually any pattern in source code. As such, it’s a great tool for finding new types of vulnerabilities – once you’ve identified an interesting pattern, model it as a CodeQL query, and then run it against your repository to find all occurrences of that pattern! But most vulnerabilities are relevant to many codebases. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could easily run your query against many repos at the same time? Well, now you can with multi-repository variant analysis — which we’ve just shipped in public beta!

Screenshot 2023-02-22 at 16 39 39

This new feature will allow security researchers to run CodeQL analyses against large numbers of repos, straight from the CodeQL extension for VS Code, making it possible to identify new types of security vulnerabilities in the most popular open-source codebases.

Checkout the CodeQL for VS Code documentation to get learn how to get started with multi-repository variant analysis. We'd also love to hear your feedback on this GitHub community discussion.

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Starting on March 08, 2023, GitHub Enterprise customers using 2-core GitHub-hosted Linux and Windows runners will have the job concurrency on Windows/Linux increased from 180 to 500.

Enterprise customers need to make no changes to take advantage of this increased concurrency. If you require higher concurrency on 2-Core GitHub-hosted Linux and Windows runners than 500, please reach out to GitHub support.

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