Dependabot alerts default permissions change

What's new?

Starting today, anyone with repository write or maintain roles will be able to view and act on Dependabot alerts by default. Previously, only repository admins could view and act on Dependabot alerts. This change will help ensure that alerts are visible to the same developers responsible for fixing them.

How do I opt in?

No action needed–this change will be applied to all existing and new repositories starting today.

What's not changing?

This doesn’t affect custom roles, the Security Manager role, or organization permissions for Dependabot alerts. Only repository admins can enable or disable Dependabot alerts.

What about alert notifications?

This change also will not affect your alert notification or repository watching settings. So, if you aren’t opted in to Dependabot alert notifications based on your user settings, you won’t receive any.

If you are currently receiving notifications on alerts, any new repositories will be included with existing Dependabot alerts notifications.

Learn more about this change here.

Code scanning can now be set up to never cause a pull request check failure.

By default, any code scanning alerts with a security-severity of critical or high will cause a pull request check failure.
You can specify which security-severity level for code scanning results should cause the code scanning check to fail, including None, by going to the Code security and Analysis tab in the repository settings.

Screenshot code-scanning-settings

This has shipped to and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.9. Learn more about severity levels for security alerts and Code scanning results check failures on pull requests.

See more