API requests are available via audit log streaming – Private Beta

GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers can now join a private beta which allows API request events to be streamed as part of their enterprise audit log.

In this private beta, REST API calls against enterprise private repositories can be streamed to one of GitHub's supported streaming endpoints. Further iterations on this feature are planned to expand the API events captured and make this data available via the audit log API.

Many GitHub users leverage GitHub's APIs to extend and customize their GitHub experience. However, use of APIs can create unique security and operational challenges for Enterprises.

With the introduction of targeted audit log streaming API requests, Enterprise owners are now able to:

  • Better understand and analyze API usage targeting their private repositories;
  • Identify and diagnose potentially misconfigured applications or integrations;
  • Troubleshoot API activity targeting private repositories that may be contributing to API rate limiting; and
  • Develop API specific anomaly detection algorithms to identify potentially malicious activity.

Enterprise owners interested in participating in the private beta should reach out to your GitHub account manager or contact our sales team to have this feature enabled for your enterprise. Once enabled, you should begin seeing API request events in your audit log stream. Feedback can be provided at our beta feedback community discussion post.

We are making changes to job summaries and logs in GitHub Actions that will impact customers using self-hosted runners. Over the next six months, customers using self-hosted runners will need to ensure machines have appropriate network access to communicate with the GitHub hosts below so that job summaries and logs emitted from Actions workflows can work as expected.

  • results-receiver.actions.githubusercontent.com
  • productionresultssa*.blob.core.windows.net

After July 31, 2023, if you are using self-hosted runners and have not updated your network access settings to allow the aforementioned hosts, your job summaries and logs may not display correctly.

For more details see
Communication between self-hosted runners and GitHub.

For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community.

To see what’s next for Actions, visit our public roadmap.

See more

In January 2022, GitHub announced audit log streaming to AWS is generally available. By streaming the audit log for your enterprise, enterprises benefit from:

  • Data exploration: Examine streamed events using your preferred tool for querying large quantities of data. The stream contains both audit and Git events across the entire enterprise account.
  • Data continuity: Pause the stream for up to seven days without losing any audit data.
  • Data retention: Keep your exported audit logs and Git events data as long as you need to.

To expand on this offering, enterprises streaming their audit log to AWS S3 now have the ability to use AWS CloudTrail Lake integration to automatically consolidate and ingest GitHub audit logs into AWS Cloud Trail Lake. AWS CloudTrail Lake is a managed security and audit data lake that allows organizations to aggregate, immutably store, and query events. By deploying this integration in your own AWS account, AWS CloudTrail Lake will capture and provide tools to analyze GitHub audit log events using SQL-based queries.

To learn more, read our documentation on integrating with AWS CloudTrail Lake.

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