GitHub Projects – January 26th update

This week, we’ve shipped a new experience for creating issues directly from Projects, improved sorting by custom fields across all layouts, and fixed a few bugs.

📝 Create issues in a snap with the new issue creation dialog

Create new issues quickly and easily by clicking the + icon on the omnibar and selecting Create new issue. Add labels, select a milestone, and assign to a teammate without ever leaving your project.

🗂 Sorting by field values on the board layout

Sort by field values on the board layout to easily organize your work items within your board columns. Select a sorting field from the view configuration menu to reorder items within each column, and move your items freely between columns while still maintaining the sorted order.

✅ Tasklists (Private Beta) improvements & bug fixes

Tasklists is currently in Private Beta but we’re letting folks in as fast as we can, join the waitlist!

We’ve recently shipped a major refactor to tasklists, so bear with us and help us by reporting problems you run into!

🐛Tasklists bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where transferring Issues broke tasklists
  • Stopped inserting superfluous newlines around tasklists
  • Stopped showing duplicate labels on tasklists

✨ Tasklists enhancements

  • Edit history now reflects the changes made to the tasklists in Markdown
  • Tasklists preserve inserted Markdown instead of callously disposing of all “non-tasks”
  • Support for bold, italicize, strike text out, link and code formatting
  • Ability to @ mention people in tasks

Organization admins and security managers can now enable private vulnerability reporting for all public repositories within an organization at once.

With this enhancement, you no longer have to enable the feature for each repository individually.

Find this option under your organization's "Settings" tab under "Code security and analysis".

Private vulnerability reporting

See more

Starting today, when linking to a Dependabot alert in an issue and or pull requests, anyone with permissions to view the alert will see a rich Dependabot alert mention, with detailed hovercard and a prettified link with the title of the alert.

Card details include:

  • Alert title, repository, and description
  • Date that the alert was opened
  • Alert severity and status (fixed, dismissed, or open).

Dependabot alerts - prettified links and hovercard example

Learn more about Dependabot alerts

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