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The organization-level security overview page has been replaced by the risk and coverage views as previously announced and is no longer available. The risk view is designed to help you assess security exposure, and the coverage view is intended to help you manage security feature enablement.

GitHub Enterprise customers can use the new security overview experience today by clicking on an organization's "Security" tab.

Learn more about the new risk and coverage views and send us your feedback

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Larger runner workflows using the ubuntu-latest runner label will soon run on Ubuntu-22.04.

Ubuntu-22.04 is now the default version for the ubuntu-latest label for GitHub Actions standard runners workflows. Larger runners will now use the Ubuntu-22.04 as the -latest version starting 15 December 2022.

If you see any issues with your workflows when they are transitioned to Ubuntu-22.04:

  • File an issue in the runner-images repository
  • Switch back to Ubuntu 20.04 by specifying the ubuntu-20.04 runner label. We will continue to support Ubuntu 20.04.

Note that image software between Ubuntu-20.04 and Ubuntu-22.04 differs by the pre-installed and default versions versions of some tools. See the full list.

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