GitHub Enterprise Server 3.7 is now generally available

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.7 is now generally available. This release continues our trend of bringing new features to GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) in record numbers. Beyond the numbers, the features in GHES 3.7 not only enable developers to build world class software every day, but also provide administrators with the tools needed to reliably run GitHub at scale.

We're making more than 70 features available, including:

  • Reusable workflows and new support for Google Cloud Storage, making it easier to build with GitHub Actions at scale.
  • Security Overview dashboard to give all security teams a single view of code risk.
  • An improved management console to keep your instance more secure than ever with automated user onboarding and offboarding.
  • New forking and repository policies, so adopting innersource best practices is easier, all while balancing auditability and project maintenance in the long term.
  • Code scanning alerts are now more collaborative and part of the flow for GitHub Advanced Security customers.

To learn more about GitHub Enterprise Server 3.7, read the release notes, and download it now.

Dependabot helps you keep your dependencies up-to-date with Dependabot version updates. These pull requests are configured via a dependabot.yml file.

Starting today, if you fork a repository with an existing dependabot.yml, Version updates will be disabled by default. To enable Dependabot pull requests based on this configuration, you can click “enable” from your forked repository’s “Code security and analysis” settings page.

After enabling Dependabot version updates, you will also be able to disable with a single click from this settings page.

Dependabot version updates

Learn more about configuring Dependabot version updates.

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