Org admins can disable integration requests from outside collaborators

Organization administrators are now able to prevent outside collaborators from requesting the installation of both GitHub and OAuth apps to their organization. The "Allow integration requests from outside collaborators" setting can be found under Organization Settings > Member Privileges > Integration installation requests. This setting is enabled by default, and disabling it prevents outside collaborators from making app installation requests, unless the app has already been approved for use within the organization.


On the app integration page, organizations that do not permit installation requests will be disabled.

disabled OAuth integration installation page

Learn more about outside collaborators permissions in our documentation, "Setting permissions for adding outside collaborators".

Private profiles (now generally available) enables users to turn their GitHub profile "private", which gives users control over features that share user data across the GitHub platform. When a profile
is private, the following content is hidden from the profile page:

  • Achievements and highlights
  • Activity overview and activity feed
  • Contribution graph
  • Follower and following counts
  • Follow and Sponsor buttons
  • Organization memberships
  • Stars, projects, packages, and sponsoring tabs

To enable this setting, visit

Learn more about private profiles. As we continue to release new privacy control features, please share your feedback.

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud enterprise owners may now download an enterprise members CSV report, which is now available as a public beta. This new CSV report provides an extensive list of members associated with their Enterprise Cloud environment, including members synced from a GitHub Enterprise Server instance. To download the report, navigate to the enterprise's people page:<enterprise>/people.

To learn more about this report, read our exporting membership information for your enterprise documentation.

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