Private profiles are now generally available

Private profiles (now generally available) enables users to turn their GitHub profile "private", which gives users control over features that share user data across the GitHub platform. When a profile
is private, the following content is hidden from the profile page:

  • Achievements and highlights
  • Activity overview and activity feed
  • Contribution graph
  • Follower and following counts
  • Follow and Sponsor buttons
  • Organization memberships
  • Stars, projects, packages, and sponsoring tabs

To enable this setting, visit

Learn more about private profiles. As we continue to release new privacy control features, please share your feedback.

GitHub Enterprise Cloud enterprise owners may now download an enterprise members CSV report, which is now available as a public beta. This new CSV report provides an extensive list of members associated with their Enterprise Cloud environment, including members synced from a GitHub Enterprise Server instance. To download the report, navigate to the enterprise's people page:<enterprise>/people.

To learn more about this report, read our exporting membership information for your enterprise documentation.

See more

We’ve been responding to your feedback – here’s a recap of some changes recently made to Dependabot alerts.

  • Dependabot Alerts details pages now auto-magically refresh after PR generation attempts are completed, rather than spinning forever
  • Alerts are more accurately mapped to Dependabot pull requests
  • Labels in the Dependabot Alerts row page now act as filters
  • You can now suggest improvements to an advisory directly from the alert details page (shown below).

Suggest improvements from a Dependabot alert

Let us know of other improvements you’d like to see in our GitHub community discussion page.

See more