Better suggested pull request description from commit message

When opening a pull request from a comparison that only includes one commit, GitHub defaults the title and description to the subject line and body of that commit's message. Authors who write detailed git commit messages that adhere to the widely accepted convention of wrapping at 72 characters per line may have noticed that this can result in strange formatting because of how GitHub Flavored Markdown treats newlines.

We now take and automatically reformat the commit message when suggesting the pull request description, making it look just as good as the commit message it came from when viewed on, GitHub Mobile, and other tools.

An image of a PR being opened before and after this change

Learn more about Creating Pull Requests

Today’s Changelog brings auto-hiding columns based on board filters, item numbers in table layout, updated enterprise project visibility settings, and issue transfer updates!

🙈 Auto-hide columns with board filters

You ask, we deliver! With today’s release, project boards will automatically hide columns depending on the filters you’ve applied. Customize your boards with the exact set of columns you need – no more empty columns here!

board columns

#️⃣ Item number displayed in table layout

Addressing a popular customer request, issue and pull request numbers are now displayed alongside the title in the table layout. Quickly identify item numbers without having to open the issue to PR or search to find your specific items. 🔢


⚙️ Enterprise visibility settings for GHEC

Enterprises on GHEC now have the ability to set the policy for who is able to change the visibility of projects within its organizations.

Enterprise admins can change the visibility setting in the Enterprise Projects Policies page. 👀


📝 Issue transfer updates

Based on your feedback, we have updated issue transfers to avoid label duplication. 🚫 🏷️ 🏷️

When transferring an issue between repositories:

  • Labels will now only be transferred if they already exist in the target repository.
  • Milestones will now be transferred if they exist, with matching names and due dates, in the target repository.

Our GraphQL API has been updated to include a flag for anyone looking for the old behavior. If you would like to transfer an issue and create new labels at the same time, you can use the ‘createLabelsIfMissing‘ flag.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Fixed a bug in the filter bar so that Reviewers:@me works as expected.
  • Updated the Date selection component to be consistent across browsers and project pages.
  • Quickly add a PR from a repo that has Issues disabled by pasting its link into the project. We’ll render it correctly now!

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

See more

Today, we are announcing the public beta of larger GitHub hosted runners for GitHub Actions for Team and Enterprise plans 🎉 🎉

The new larger runners provide new capabilities for Team and Enterprise GitHub Action users:

  • Linux and Windows machines up to 64 cores
  • Fixed IP ranges to provide access to runners via allow list services
  • Admin control over access to larger runners and concurrency

Larger machine sizes

Developers will be able to make use of machine sizes up to 64 cores on demand to run their workflows, billed by the job minute.


Fixed IP ranges

Setup a fixed IP range for your machines by simply ticking a check box, this provides an IP range that can be allow listed in internal systems and in GitHub’s allow list to keep using Actions while making your GitHub environment more secure.


Admin control

Admin’s can choose who can have access to larger machine sizes and at what concurrency, providing guard rails on spending

Larger machine pricing

Larger runners are charged for in both private and public repos and do not consume included minutes.
To learn more about the larger runner per job minute pricing, check out the updated pricing docs

To learn more about using the new larger runners, check out our docs

To see what’s next for Actions, visit our public roadmap

See more