Audit Log Streaming to Datadog available as Public Beta

GitHub Enterprise Cloud (GHEC) customers can now participate in a public beta enabling audit log streaming to a Datadog endpoint. Joining this beta allows enterprises to continue to satisfy long-term data retention goals and also analyze GitHub audit log data using the tools offered by Datadog.

GHEC administrators interested in participating in the public beta can enable audit log streaming by following the instructions for setting up streaming to Datadog. Customers can provide feedback on their experience at the audit log streaming to Datadog community discussion.

The default code scanning query suites include checks for the most important security vulnerabilities for each supported language, so that any potential problems can be surfaced to developers before they are committed to their repository. However, in some situations a particular check is not relevant for a codebase and you might prefer to not run that CodeQL query. You can now easily exclude queries using code scanning query filters.

Query filters use the same syntax as CodeQL query suites and you can filter on any CodeQL query metadata property. Query filters must be specified in a custom code scanning configuration file, which you refer to from your code scanning analysis workflow file.

In your code scanning workflow file, use the config-file parameter of the init action to specify the path to the configuration file you want to use:

- uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
    config-file: path/to/config/file.yml

In your configuration file, specify the query filters you want to use. For example, to exclude the Unsafe HTML constructed from library input query from the default code scanning query suite for JavaScript you can specify its id in an exclude block:

name: "My code scanning CodeQL config"

- exclude:
     id: js/html-constructed-from-input

For more information about how to use query filters, see Configuring code scanning in the code scanning documentation.

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We've updated the notifications settings page to be more vibrant and easier to understand what changes you're making. Here are some of the updates:

  • Confirmation of which email you'd like to receive notifications at
  • Grouping of your subscriptions and where you receive notifications
  • Grouping of system-related notifications

Learn more here.
An image showing the before and after of notification settings changes. Top of the UI features the ability to choose the default notifications email, with ability to automatically watch repositories and teams just below. From there, a developer can manage their subscriptions for repositories as well as system-related notifications.

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