GitHub Actions: Self-hosted runners now support Apple M1 hardware

Actions runner support for Apple silicon hardware, such as the M1 chip, is now generally available. This provides teams with the capability to run self-hosted macOS workflows in a macOS ARM64 runtime. Now the Actions runner supports M1 and the ARM64 runtime meaning developers can run it on their own M1 or M2 hardware.

Based on initial testing, there are currently two issues to be aware of:

  • macOS ARM64 does not support node12. Therefore, the runner will automatically use node16 to execute any javascript Action written for node12.
  • All actions provided by GitHub are compatible with the runner except for a known issue with setup-python. The fix for that can be tracked here.

For additional information on how to set up a self-hosted macOS ARM64 runner, please refer to our documentation. If you have any feedback or questions for Actions self-hosted Apple silicon support, you can submit an issue in the runner repository.

When users access an organization with SAML SSO, GitHub stores a link between the SAML identity and the user's GitHub account. This link is used by SCIM and team synchronization to grant access within your organization or enterprise. If you break this link by signing into that organization with a different SAML identity, you are likely to lose access to resources inside that organization.

Starting gradually today and being fully rolled out tomorrow, users will see a warning message if they attempt to sign in with a different SAML account and change their linked identity. They'll have the option to go back to their IdP to sign in with a different account, which is usually the correct option. If they really intend to break the link to their previous SAML account and link to a new one, they can choose to continue.

Learn more by reading "About Authentication with SAML SSO".

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We’ve expanded access to GitHub’s security overview pages in two ways:

  1. All GitHub Enterprise accounts now have access to the security overview, not just those with GitHub Advanced Security
  2. All users within an enterprise can now access the security overview, not just admins and security managers

Security overview provides a centralized view of risk for application security teams, engineering leaders, and developers who work across many repositories. It displays code scanning, Dependabot, and secret scanning alerts across every repository you have access to in an organization or enterprise. The security overview also shows you where you have unknown risks because security features haven’t been enabled.

Learn more about security overview and send us your feedback

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