Security overview is now available to all GitHub Enterprise users

We’ve expanded access to GitHub’s security overview pages in two ways:

  1. All GitHub Enterprise accounts now have access to the security overview, not just those with GitHub Advanced Security
  2. All users within an enterprise can now access the security overview, not just admins and security managers

Security overview provides a centralized view of risk for application security teams, engineering leaders, and developers who work across many repositories. It displays code scanning, Dependabot, and secret scanning alerts across every repository you have access to in an organization or enterprise. The security overview also shows you where you have unknown risks because security features haven’t been enabled.

Learn more about security overview and send us your feedback

The repository that houses the images installed on GitHub-hosted runners has been renamed from actions/virtual-environments to actions/runner-images. These images are maintained by GitHub and used by GitHub Actions.

If you have forked this repository you will not be affected by this change.

All git clone, git fetch, or git push operations targeting the previous location will continue to function as if made on the new location. However, to reduce confusion, you should update any existing local clones to point to the new repository URL.

For more information and updates you can visit the newly improved runner images repository.

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The ability for GitHub Enterprise Cloud owners to display members’ IP addresses for all audit logs events for private repositories and other enterprise assets, such as issues and projects, is generally available.

These IP addresses can be used to improve threat analyses and further secure your software. Note, IP addresses will continue to not be displayed for activity related to public repositories.

For additional information, read about displaying IP addresses in the audit log for your enterprise.

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