Dependabot alerts: timeline of events on the alert details page

Dependabot alerts will now show more information on an alert's activity. In the details page for a Dependabot alert, you will see a timeline of events (e.g. opened, fixed, reopened). Events will also show additional metadata when available, like relevant pull requests.

Dependabot alerts timeline

For more information, see our documentation for Dependabot alerts.

The repository file finder is a convenient way to jump to a specific file by typing part of its path. It can be accessed by pressing t or using the “Go to file” button.

The file finder hides files in directories like vendor/ and build/ by default. These exclusions can now by customized using linguist attributes in a .gitattributes file. For example:

vendor/** linguist-vendored=false
build/** linguist-generated=false

An image of the file finder locating files in a repository's build directory using fuzzy search

Learn more about the file finder
Learn more about .gitattributes

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