Dependabot alerts: Filter alerts by the scope of the dependency (runtime and development)

Today, we're shipping a new filter for the Dependabot alerts list view. In the alerts list view, you can now filter for scope:development or scope:runtime. Alerts for development dependencies also feature a label in the UI.

Dependency scope information will be available for alerts opened on or after June 23, 2022.

Which ecosystems are supported?

The following ecosystems are supported as of June 23, 2022:

Language Ecosystem Dependency Scope
Ruby RubyGems
JavaScript npm
JavaScript Yarn No, defaults to runtime
PHP Composer
Go Go modules No, defaults to runtime
Java Maven test maps to development, all else default to runtime
Python Poetry
Python pip ✅ for pipfile, for requirements.txt scope is development if the filename contains “test” or “dev”, else it is runtime
.NET NuGet ✅ only for .nuspec when tag != runtime; for all other cases defaults to runtime
Rust Cargo

For more information, learn more about Dependabot alerts in our documentation.

GitHub Advanced Security customers can now use cursors to paginate over alert results they retrieve via the repository and organization level REST APIs.

Paginating with cursors, using the new before and after query parameters, can help assure data consistency and improve response times. To receive an initial cursor on your first request, include an empty "before" or "after" query string in your API call.

Learn more about the secret scanning REST API
Learn more about private repository scanning with Advanced Security

See more

GitHub Advanced Security customers can now see an overview of code scanning alerts at the enterprise level. This page provides a repo-centric view of application security risks, as well as an alert-centric view of all secret scanning, Dependabot and now code scanning alerts. This view is beta and will be followed in the coming weeks with an enterprise level REST API to retrieve code scanning alerts.

Code scanning alerts at the enterprise level

Learn more about security overview
Learn more about GitHub Advanced Security

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