The new GitHub Issues – June 16th update

Today’s Changelog brings you tooling to migrate projects from the classic version to beta and accessibility improvements!

🚀 Migrate from Projects (classic) to Projects (beta) (feature preview)

We’ve made it easy for you to migrate your old project (classic) boards to the all new projects (beta) experience! Enable “project migration” in feature preview so that you can try out tables, multiple views, new automation options, and powerful field types with your exisiting projects. For more information, see “Exploring early access releases with feature preview.”


How it works:

  • We’ll create a copy of your existing project (classic) board in Projects (beta)
  • You’ll be prompted to close your old project as the newly migrated project and old project will not be kept in sync
  • You can reopen your old project in a pinch if necessary!

💖 Accessibility Improvements

To provide a more accessible experience for all our users, we’ve made numerous fixes across key table and board workflows to better support users leveraging keyboard navigation, screenreaders, or high magnification. Some updates include:

  • Ensuring previously unreachable elements, such as suggestion lists and column headers, are reachable via keyboard navigation and appropriately handled by screenreaders
  • Updating tab behavior in table views to be consistent with common practices for spreadsheet-like tools
  • Improving the Add item workflow by updating the alignment and overflow behavior of the results list to be viewable at high magnifications

We’ve still got work to do but we’re excited to continue making projects better for all our users.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Other changes include:

  • Sorting by reactions on the issues index page now includes the number of reactions added
  • Updated naming conventions for assignee in header when grouped in table

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

Today, we’re announcing that the ability to prebuild codespaces is entering general availability. A prebuilt codespace serves as a “ready-to-go” template where your source code, editor extensions, project dependencies, commands, and configurations have already been downloaded, installed, and applied so that new codespaces are available on-demand without any wait period. This helps significantly speed up codespace creations–especially for complex or large codebases.

With general availability, we’ve introduced a ‘prebuild in progress’ label in cases where a prebuild template creation is in progress to enable developers stay informed for when a given branch and machine type is ready for a fast codespace creation experience. Administrators now have more control on how often prebuild configurations are updated to manage Actions usage. They can also configure retention settings on prebuild templates to manage underlying storage costs. Additionally, with failure notifications, repository administrators can specify a set of individuals or teams to be informed via email in case a prebuild-associated workflow fails to help with efficient monitoring. Administrators can also temporarily pause a prebuild workflow run while fixing an underlying issue.

With general availability, organizations will be billed for Actions minutes required to run prebuild associated workflows and storage of templates associated with each prebuild configuration for a given repository and region. As an administrator, you can download the usage report for your organization to get a detailed view of prebuild associated Actions and storage costs for your organization-owned repositories.

Prebuilt codespaces are generally available for all GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Team organizations. Repository admins can head over to their repository’s settings page and create prebuild configurations under the Codespaces tab. Once set up, you can take advantage of fast codespace creation by selecting machine types with the ‘prebuild ready’ tag.

Check out the prebuilds documentation to get started!

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