Dependency graph adds vulnerability alerting support for Rust

The dependency graph now supports detecting Rust (Cargo.{toml,lock}) files. These will be displayed within the dependency graph section in the Insights tab. Users will receive Dependabot alerts and updates for vulnerabilities associated with their Rust dependencies. Package metadata, including mapping packages to repositories, will be added at a later date.

Learn more about the dependency graph.

Dependabot version updates help you keep your dependencies up-to-date by opening pull requests automatically when new versions are available.

With this release, you can now more easily enable and configure Dependabot version updates from your repository’s settings page. Within the "Dependabot" section of the "Code security and analysis" tab, you can choose to enable Dependabot version updates, which will prompt you to create a dependabot.yml config file. If a dependabot.yml file exists, you can access that from the repository settings page.

Note: you still need to configure Dependabot version updates with a dependabot.yml file to enable it.

For more information, learn more about Dependabot version updates and how to configure a dependabot.yml file.

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