Easily discover and navigate to multiple licenses in repositories

We’ve made it easier to discover multiple licenses within an open source repository. First, navigate to the **About** sidebar on the repository page to see if the repository contains any licenses. If it does, they’ll be listed underneath the README file.


If only one license is detected, the link will take you directly to that license file. If more than one license is present, click on the list of licenses to display a dialog containing all of the licenses available at the root level of the repository. Then you can select from the dialog which license you’d like to navigate to.


With the use of an open source Ruby gem called Licensee, we detect license files and compare them to a short list of known licenses. Learn more about how repositories on GitHub are licensed.

Adding an open source license to your repository ensures that others can use, copy, modify and contribute back to your project. If your repository doesn’t have an open source license and you want others to get involved, you can learn more about adding one here. The dialog will match any top-level licenses with a variation of LICENSE, COPYING, OFL and PATENTS, including file extensions (i.e. LICENSE-MIT, LICENSE-GPL).

The enterprise and organization level audit logs now record an event when a secret scanning alert is created, closed, or reopened. This data helps GitHub Advanced Security customers understand actions taken on their secret scanning alerts for security and compliance audits.

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You can now enable debug logging when you re-run jobs in a GitHub Actions workflow run. This gives you additional information about the job's execution and its environment which can help you diagnose failures.

To enable debug logging, select "Enable debug logging" in the re-run dialog.

Re-run dialog screenshot

You can also enable debug logging using the API or the command-line client.

For more details see
Re-running workflows and jobs.

For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community.

To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap.

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