ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification Now Available

Our newly available ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification report can be downloaded now.

  • For enterprises, administrators may download this report by navigating to the Compliance tab of the enterprise account:"your-enterprise"/settings/compliance.
  • For organizations, owners may find these reports under 'Security' > Authentication Security settings tab of their organization:"your-org"/settings/security.
  • For everyone else, you may download this report at any time by navigating to the GitHub security page,

To learn more about this new report, check out our blog post.

We have now improved the help and getting started experience in GitHub app for Microsoft Teams and Slack.

  1. From the moment you install or access the app for the first time, you are guided step by step until you have successfully used the app.
  2. Learning about the app functionalities is simplified with the new “help” experience.

Teams help

Teams help

For more information, see the full documentation for GitHub for Microsoft Teams or GitHub for Slack.

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We've added an enhancement to the repository view for a branch that is different than its upstream branch. Previously we showed the number of commits the branch was ahead or behind the upstream, but there wasn't an easy way to show the differences. Now you can click a link that takes you to a comparison page to see the differences.


Note: there is a different link for ahead versus behind

  • ahead represents changes your branch has but the upstream branch does not
  • behind represents changes the upstream branch has but your branch does not

Read more about branches.

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