Support for CORS response headers

The following endpoints will now serve CORS response headers.

  1. GET /package-name
  2. GET /package-name/-/package-name.tgz
  3. GET /package-name/version

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Now you can customize your organization's Overview page to show content dedicated to public users or members of the organization. A new member view is only visible to members of the organization and can be controlled in the sidebar to toggle between public and member view.

A README only visible to members

Similar to the public organization README that we released last year, you can now create a README that is only visible to members of your organization. In the .github-private repository the /profile/ will be displayed on your organization's Overview page.

Pinned private repositories

Organization owners are able to define a set of six public, private or internal repositories that are only visible to members of their organization, enabling members to quickly access popular or frequented repositories.

For more information about the new features, see "Customizing your organization's profile".

See more

Codespaces now has improvements that will streamline your experience when working with multi-repository and monorepo projects.

To enable teams to develop applications that span across multiple repositories (e.g. common in microservice architectures), we have added the ability for users to configure which permissions their codespace should have on creation. This means that users will no longer have to set up a personal access token inside of their codespace to clone or create pull requests for multiple repositories.

Additionally, if you're a part of a larger organization and have many teams working in a single repository (e.g. monorepo), Codespaces now supports multiple devcontainer.json files inside of your .devcontainer directory, as long as they follow the pattern of .devcontainer/${DIR}/devcontainer.json.

Lastly, to provide more flexibility during codespace creation, there's a new advanced create flow for Codespaces that allows you to select various options, such as branch, geographic region, machine type, and a specific dev container file while creating your codespace. If you want to skip the advanced creation flow, you can always go for the one-click create by selecting Create codespace on <branch name> to create a codespace with the default configuration.

With these updates, repositories can be setup with multiple devcontainers, each with permission sets, setup scripts, and a codespace configuration specific for certain sub-teams or developer roles (e.g. front-end, back-end). Then, developers can select the ideal devcontainer, machine type, and geographic region for their task during the codespace creation with the advanced flow, as needed.

Here are some helpful links to get you started!

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