You can now name your fork when creating it

Previously, when you forked a repository the fork name would default to the same name as the parent repository. In some cases, that wasn't ideal because you wanted the fork to have a different name. Your only option was to rename the fork after it was created. Now you can customize the fork name at the same time you're creating it.

New fork page

Read more about working with forks.

GitHub now protects you by scanning public repos for leaked GitHub login credentials. If you accidentally expose your username and password in code or commit metadata, we will automatically reset your password and email you.

We'd like to thank Will Deane, Director and Principal Consultant at ASX Consulting, and Aaron Devaney, Principal Security Consultant at MDSec, for surfacing the threat of exposed passwords and helping us secure all our users via GitHub's Security Bug Bounty program. You can read more from the researchers here.

github leaked password email

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GitHub Advanced Security customers can now dry run custom secret scanning patterns at the organization (and repository) level. Dry runs allow admins to understand a pattern's impact across an organization and hone the pattern before publishing and generating alerts.

Admins can compose a pattern then 'Save and dry run' to retrieve results from their selected repositories. Scan results will appear on screen as they're detected, but admins can leave the page and later come back to their saved pattern's dry run results. Enterprise-level dry runs will follow shortly.

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