Focusing or hovering over a label now displays the label description in a tooltip.
GitHub Actions: Job management hooks for self-hosted runners
If you manage self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions, you can now specify shell scripts that run before the runner starts running a job from a workflow, and after a job completes.
This allows you to perform a task on your self-hosted runner before a job starts and after a job ends, so you can set up your execution environment and clean up after workflow runs to ensure a consistent state on the runner itself, without requiring users to add that to their workflows.
Learn more about running scripts before or after a job
GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets. By identifying and flagging these secrets, we help protect users from data leaks and fraud associated with exposed data.
We have partnered with Supabase to scan for their API keys, which allow users to update and access database changes. We'll forward the API keys that we find in public repositories to Supabase, who will automatically revoke the detected secrets and notify the affected users.
We continue to welcome new partners for public repository secret scanning. GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan their private repositories for leaked secrets.