The code scanning alert page shows status and details for the default branch

The code scanning alert page now always shows the alert status and information for the default branch. There is a new ‘Affected branches’ panel in the sidebar to see the status of the alert in other branches. If the alert does not exist in your default branch, the alert page will show the status as ‘In branch’ or ‘In pull request’ for the location where the alert was last seen.

This improvement makes it easier to understand the status of alerts which have been introduced into your code base.

The alert list page is not changed and can be filtered by branch. You can use the code scanning API to retrieve more detailed branch information for alerts.

Read more about alert details.

In addition to mermaid diagrams, we now allow users to render maps directly in markdown using fenced code blocks with the geojson or topojson syntax, and embed STL 3D renders using stl syntax.

Additionally, these diagrams are supported as files using their own extensions:

content type supported extensions
mermaid .mermaid, .mmd
geoJSON .geojson, .json
topoJSON .topojson, .json
STL .stl


For more information about using diagrams on GitHub, see Creating diagrams in the GitHub documentation

For more information about non-code filetypes on GitHub, see Working with non-code files


### Here's a geoJSON map in markdown

  "type": "Polygon",
  "coordinates": [



### Here's a topoJSON map in markdown

 {"type":"Topology","transform":{"scale":[0.003589294092944858,0.0005371535195261037],"translate":[-179.1473400003406,17.67439566600018]},"objects":{"counties":   {"type":"GeometryCollection","geometries":[{"type":"MultiPolygon","arcs":[[[0,1,2,3]]],"id":53073},{"type":"Polygon","arcs":[[4,5,6,7,8,9]],"id":30105},{"type":"Polygon","arcs": [[10,11,12,1



### Here's an STL 3D render in markdown

solid cube_corner
  facet normal 0.0 -1.0 0.0
    outer loop
      vertex 0.0 0.0 0.0
      vertex 1.0 0.0 0.0
      vertex 0.0 0.0 1.0


See more