Discussions Community Insights

Get insights on your Discussions community with the new dashboard called Community in the Insights tab. This dashboard gives you a quick way to monitor the following:

  • Number of Discussions, Issues, and Pull Requests open over time
  • Page views of Discussions over time, segmented by logged in vs anonymous users
  • Daily Discussions contributors over time
  • New Discussions contributors over time


For more information, see GitHub Discussions documentation.

For questions or feedback, visit GitHub Discussions feedback.

You can now reference local reusable workflows more easily. With this release, reusable workflows that are in the same repository as the calling repository can be referenced with just the path and filename: {path}/{filename}.

For example:

    uses: ./.github/workflows/workflow-2.yml

When referenced this way, the called workflow will be from the same commit as the caller workflow.

For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community

To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap

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