Codespaces now offers organization policies to restrict machine types

Currently, Codespaces users in organizations in Team and Enterprise Cloud plans can use any machine type, from 2-core to 16-core (or even 32-core). We've heard from many organization administrators that they want the ability to restrict which machine sizes repositories in their organization should have access to as a means of cost control, and have implemented a new Codespaces policy feature to allow admins this level of control.

Organization admins can now visit their organization's settings page and create Codespaces policies to restrict which machine types repositories in their organization can use. For instance, an admin can restrict certain repositories to only access 2-core and 4-core machines, while granting other, more compute intensive repositories, access to 16-core machines.

In the future, the Codespaces policy feature will be expanded to include additional constraints, including setting a maximum idle timeout, restricting which port forwarding settings are allowed, and more. We'd love your feedback on other constraints you're interested in.

For more information, see "Restricting access to machine types".

The GitHub Classroom team is excited to announce our new experience for viewing information about your assignments! These changes will be gradually rolling out over the next week. The revamped view adds a higher-level summary of your students' progress with their assignment as well as refreshes the overall UI.

For more information on how to use this new experience, check out our Documentation. Your feedback is welcome at our Education Community Forum.

Assignment page in Classroom

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GitHub's display of specialized file formats is now faster and more reliable. This includes rendering of Jupyter Notebooks, GeoJSON, PDF, PSD, SOLID, SVG, and TopoJSON files.

Previously, GitHub's display of specialized file formats relied on server-side rendering. The user experience was often slow and not always reliable. With this change, rendering is now performed primarily in the browser using open-source libraries like nbconvert, psd.js, and three.js. The result is less waiting and faster presentation of these file types.

For more information about GitHub's specialized file rendering, visit Working with non-code files.

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