Jupyter Notebooks and specialized file formats display faster

GitHub's display of specialized file formats is now faster and more reliable. This includes rendering of Jupyter Notebooks, GeoJSON, PDF, PSD, SOLID, SVG, and TopoJSON files.

Previously, GitHub's display of specialized file formats relied on server-side rendering. The user experience was often slow and not always reliable. With this change, rendering is now performed primarily in the browser using open-source libraries like nbconvert, psd.js, and three.js. The result is less waiting and faster presentation of these file types.

For more information about GitHub's specialized file rendering, visit Working with non-code files.

Members of GitHub Enterprise Cloud organizations belonging to an enterprise account can now view a list of their enterprise owners under the organization's People tab. Whenever an organization member encounters a contact your enterprise owner prompt within GitHub Enterprise Cloud, a link will be offered to direct the user to the Enterprise permissions view.

The enterprise owners list is also now accessible via the GitHub API under the Organization object as the enterpriseOwners endpoint.

To learn more, read our docs on viewing your enterprise owners.

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Previously, when running a job that requires a self-hosted runner, GitHub Actions would look for self-hosted runners in the repository, organization, and enterprise, in that order.

We are changing that behavior so that the first available matching runner at any level will run the job in all cases. This allows jobs to be sent to self-hosted runners much faster, especially for organizations and enterprises with lots of self-hosted runners.

Learn more in the documentation

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