GitHub Actions: Changing the search order for self-hosted runners

Previously, when running a job that requires a self-hosted runner, GitHub Actions would look for self-hosted runners in the repository, organization, and enterprise, in that order.

We are changing that behavior so that the first available matching runner at any level will run the job in all cases. This allows jobs to be sent to self-hosted runners much faster, especially for organizations and enterprises with lots of self-hosted runners.

Learn more in the documentation

Instead of allowing all or no users to force push, admins can now be selective about who can force push to a repository.

The image below shows how in the past, admins could use a branch protection rule to allow force pushes for everyone or no one, including admins:

Branch protection rule to allow everyone or no one to force push

This all-or-nothing approach didn't support limiting force pushes to select users or teams of an admin's choosing. For example, you might have wanted to allow only a few people to force push, or you had an automated process that solely needed to force push.

Now, you can be specific about the people and teams who are allowed to force push. As shown in the image below, select Allow force pushes and Specify who can force push. Then, search for and select the people and teams who should be allowed to force push.

Branch protection rule to allow everyone, no one, or select users or teams to force push

For more information, visit Managing a branch protection rule.

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Getting started with GitHub Actions just got easier! Now, when you want to create an Actions workflow in the Actions tab of your repository, the workflow recommendations will be based on repository analysis that detects elements, such as programming language, build tools, frameworks, and package managers.

For example, if a repository contains a Node.js application that has been containerized, then the repository analysis will prioritize showing you container and Node related workflows.

We have also extended recommendations to the deployment category.
and added search and filters to help you find the right workflow that matches your unique requirements.

Learn more about this GitHub Actions improvement.

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