Audit log streaming beta update – Google Cloud Storage support

GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers participating in the audit log streaming public beta may now use Google Cloud Storage when configuring a stream. This will allow tools that support Google Cloud Storage as a data source to more readily analyze the events data coming from a GitHub enterprise account. Learn more

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.3 is Generally Available!

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.3 is now generally available for all customers. There are three exciting new betas to explore, dozens of productivity enhancements and performance improvements for CI/CD.

For more information about GitHub Enterprise Server 3.3, read the blog post and release notes or download it today. Alternatively, enjoy this ten minute overview presentation.

Are you using the latest GitHub Enterprise Server version? Use the Upgrade Assistant to find the upgrade path from your current version of GitHub Enterprise Server to your desired version.

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We have added support for sigstore container signing to the default GitHub Actions starter workflow for publishing container images. New workflows on public repositories will use this by default. If you have an existing workflow, you will need to update your workflow to take advantage of this capability.

For more information, please read the announcement on the GitHub Blog.

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