GitHub Actions: DRY your GitHub Actions configuration by reusing workflows

Now available in public beta, you can reuse entire workflows as if they were an action. Instead of copying and pasting workflow definitions across repositories, you can now reference an existing workflow with a single line of configuration.

Reusing workflows are great for reducing configuration. Here’s a few examples:

  • Create a workflow for building your homegrown framework so your users can quickly setup CI
  • Create a workflow to deploy to production, and reference it from each repository of your microservice application
  • Create a workflow to roll up end-of-sprint metrics, and encourage every team to add it to their repository

Learn more about reusing workflows.
For questions, visit the GitHub Actions community.
To see what's next for Actions, visit our public roadmap.

The Explore tab on GitHub Mobile has been redesigned to make it easier to find the best projects on GitHub!

Find personalized repository recommendations based on your past contributions and previously starred repositories. It's now possible to find trending projects in the last day, week, or month, and get even more specific with filters for specific programming or spoken languages.

The Explore tab now also displays a list of contributors for each repository, so be sure to go give your favorites a follow.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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GitHub is where developers come to learn and celebrate what’s new in open source, and where maintainers share, collaborate and celebrate their community’s work. Starting today, available in public beta, are two improvements to the release process on GitHub:

  • Maintainers can now automatically generate release notes, giving them a summary of all the pull requests for a given release.
  • The Releases UI gets a refresh giving more clarity into what’s included in a given release, as well as recognition for the contributors in the community. We have also fixed a number of papercuts including no longer showing tags on the releases list view and making videos playable in releases. This won’t be turned on by default in the beta, and will need to be enabled through the Feature Preview.

Learn more about auto-generated release notes, and how to opt-in into the Releases UI refresh here.

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