Enabling IPv6 Support for GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages now supports IPv6 for all Pages hosted on *.github.io and custom domains. Documentation for enabling IPv6 with custom domains can be found here.

Footnotes let you reference relevant information without disrupting the flow of what you're trying to say:

Here is a simple footnote[^1]. With some additional text after it.

[^1]: My reference.

You can now use footnote syntax in any Markdown field!

Footnotes are displayed as superscript links. Click them to jump to their referenced information, displayed in a new section at the bottom of the document:


Learn more about using footnotes in Markdown.

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GitHub Enterprise Cloud's Services Continuity and Incident Management Plan is now available for self-service alongside additional resources under the Compliance tab. Enterprise owners may download and view current GitHub compliance reports from the Compliance tab of their enterprise account: https://github.com/enterprises/"your-enterprise"/settings/compliance.

Enterprise plan organization owners may view the reports from the Organization security settings tab of their organization: https://github.com/organizations/"your-org"/settings/security.

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