Download repository and grades information in GitHub Classroom

You can now download a CSV while will include each students' GitHub alias, roster identifier, individual grade, and more for any given Assignment. No action is needed by you to use this feature.

On the Assignment overview page, you will now see a dropdown with an option to "Download grades." This is also the new home for the "Download repositories" functionality.


For feedback or questions on this feature, please use our GitHub Education Community Forum

The npm registry will upgrade its public CouchDB instance on September 15, 2021. As part of this upgrade, we will promote a new CouchDB replica to become our new public CouchDB instance, This upgrade will reset the CouchDB sequence number.

If you are not familiar with CouchDB replication, then you will not be impacted by this change. In particular, users running npm install or running other commands using the npm CLI will not be affected by this change.

If you replicate our public CouchDB or have an application that is following it, then you may be impacted:

  • If you are replicating the npm database using CouchDB then you may see a replication delay while your follower re-synchronizes, but you do not need to take any other action.

  • If you have custom tools that query npm's databases using the CouchDB Replication Protocol then you should ensure that you do not assume that sequence numbers are monotonically increasing, and that your custom replica correctly treats the sequence number as an opaque blob.

See more

You can now use setup-node action to cache dependencies for projects with monorepo and pnpm package manager. Use the optional cache-dependency-path field to specify the path to dependency file(s).

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-node@v2
    node-version: 14
    cache: npm
    cache-dependency-path: 'sub-project/package-lock.json'

For questions, visit the setup-node repository and GitHub Actions community.

See more