GitHub Actions: Windows Server 2022 with Visual Studio 2022 is now available on GitHub-hosted runners (Public Beta)

Windows Server 2022 with Visual Studio 2022 Preview is now available in beta on GitHub-hosted runners. Use it by putting runs-on: windows-2022 in your workflow file.

    runs-on: windows-2022
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
      - name: Build
        run: dotnet build
      - name: Run tests
        run: dotnet test

The Windows Server 2022 runner image has different tools and tool versions than Windows Server 2019.

Read more on available runner images and beta images terms of use in docs.

You can now easily find all alerts associated with your pull request with the new pull request filter on the code scanning alerts page.

To show all the code scanning alerts for a specific pull request, type 'pr:123' in the Filter alerts text box. This will return both the alerts that the pull request introduces and the existing alerts on the branch.

PR filter

The pull request checks page shows the alerts introduced in a pull request, but not existing alerts on the pull request branch. The new "View all branch alerts" link on the Checks page takes you to the code scanning alerts page with the specific PR filter already applied, so you can see all the alerts associated with your PR. This can be useful to manage lots of alerts, and to see more detailed information for individual alerts.

View all code scanning alerts screenshot

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