New badge for developers who contributed to the Mars 2020 Helicopter mission

Developers who contributed to the specific versions of projects and libraries used by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to put the Ingenuity helicopter into the Martian atmosphere will receive a new badge on their profile to commemorate their contributions to this historic achievement in planetary exploration.

See the list of repositories and versions which qualify a user for getting the badge here.

The GitHub app is built on Slack’s workspace apps which is now deprecated. The legacy GitHub app will stop working on July 15, 2021. We have built a new version of our GitHub+Slack integration. You can just upgrade the app and get back to your work.
You can learn more about this upgrade here.

Along with this upgrade, we have also made few enhancements to the app.

Enhanced security for sign in experience

As part of this upgrade, we have also updated the sign in flow to have a multistep process with verification code. This is necessary to make sign in to GitHub from Slack more secure.

Branch filters for commit notifications

Commit notifications now support filtering based on branches. You can choose to filter on a specific branch, or a pattern of branches or all branches. You can find more details here.

Removed deploy support

Today, the functionality provided by deploy command is very limited and doesn’t address all the scenarios. We are removing this command support as part of this version. We want to relook at the scenarios and build a more holistic experience that customers need.

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GitHub CLI 1.9 allows you to work with GitHub Actions in your terminal:

  • List and view workflows and runs with gh workflow list, gh workflow view, gh run list, and gh run view
  • View the logs for a particular run with gh run view --log
  • View the logs for runs with jobs that failed with gh run view --log-failed
  • Download run artifacts with gh run download
  • Re-run runs with failed jobs using gh run rerun
  • Watch runs in progress using gh run watch
  • Trigger workflows with the workflow_dispatch event using gh workflow run
  • Enable and disable workflows with gh workflow enable and gh workflow disable

Learn more about GitHub CLI and check out the blog post to learn more about this release.

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