GitHub Actions: New runner release v2.272.0

We have released a new version of the GitHub Actions runner.


  • Composite Actions Support for Multiple Run Steps (#549, #557, #564, #568, #569, #578, #591, #599, #605, #609, #610, #615, #624)
  • Prepare to switch GITHUB_ACTION to use ContextName instead of refname (#593)
  • Fold logs for intermediate docker commands (#608)
  • Add ability to register a runner to the non-default self-hosted runner group (#613)


  • Double quotes around variable so CD works if path contains spaces (#602)
  • Bump lodash in /src/Misc/expressionFunc/hashFiles (#603)
  • Fix poor performance of process spawned from svc daemon (#614)


  • Move shared ExecutionContext properties under .Global (#594)

Learn more about GitHub Actions self-hosted runners

For questions please visit the GitHub Actions community forum

Suspend a GitHub App

Administrators and users can suspend any GitHub App’s access for as long as needed, and unsuspend the app on command. Suspended apps cannot access the GitHub API or webhook events. Use this feature as an alternative to uninstalling an application, which has the consequence of deauthorizing every user. This feature is available in both the Settings user interface and in the API.

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Repositories that use GitHub Pages can now build and deploy from any branch. Publishing to the special gh-pages branch will still work the same as it always has, but you can now choose a different branch in your repository as the publishing source. This functionality also removes the hardcoded dependency on user and organization pages having a master branch.

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