Build and deploy GitHub Pages from any branch beta

Repositories that use GitHub Pages can now build and deploy from any branch. Publishing to the special gh-pages branch will still work the same as it always has, but you can now choose a different branch in your repository as the publishing source. This functionality also removes the hardcoded dependency on user and organization pages having a master branch.

For customers of GitHub Advanced Security running LGTM Enterprise, we have released LGTM Enterprise v1.24.1. This release includes a number of bug fixes including:

  • Fixed private repository support for GitHub App integrations
  • Fixed an issue with SSL certificates not being applied on certain Nginx versions
  • Fixed an issue where CentOS systems required manual installation of Python dependencies
  • Updated memory limitations on attribution and issue-tracker-sync jobs to follow the LGTM_RAM variable instead of being hard coded
  • Fixed an issue where some failed jobs were not retried correctly

Download LGTM Enterprise v1.24.1

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