Selecting your featured work on GitHub Sponsors

As a sponsored developer or organization, you can now select the public repositories to showcase on your GitHub Sponsors profile.

Previously, your pinned repositories were displayed on your sponsorship profile. Now, with this change, you can customize which repositories are displayed.

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As a sponsored developer or organization, you can now set funding goals and share them with your sponsors.

You can set goals for the amount of money you’d like to be sponsored for each month, or for the number of active sponsors you’d like to have. You can also share the success with your community when you hit your goals.

Learn more about GitHub Sponsors

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In the billing tab, you can now get a detailed breakdown in CSV format for metered resources including Actions, Packages, and Storage.

The usage report provides the following information:

  • Date
  • Product (Actions, Packages, or Shared Storage)
  • Repository Slug
  • Quantity Consumed
  • Unit Type (Machine Minutes or GB)
  • Price Per Unit (USD)
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