GitHub Actions Breaking Change: Python 2 being removed from all virtual environments

Starting April 6, 2020, Python 2 will no longer be offered on any hosted virtual environments. Python 2 was sunset on January 1, 2020 and is not being improved or taking security fixes.

If you're using setup-python, please update your workflows to use Python versions 3.x.

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v1
    python-version: '3.x' # Version range or exact version of a Python version to use, using SemVer's version range syntax
    architecture: 'x64' # optional x64 or x86. Defaults to x64 if not specified
- run: python

For the latest updates, be sure to subscribe to the announcement in the actions/virtual-environments repository.

Since shipping multi-line comments, many people have requested multi-line code suggestions as well.

You can now suggest a specific change to multiple lines of code when reviewing a pull request. To select a multi-line code block, you can either:

  • click and hold to the right of a line number, drag and then release the mouse when you’ve reached the last line of the desired selection; or
  • click on a line number, hold Shift, click on a second line number and click the "+" button to the right of the second line number.

Once you've selected the code block, click the diff icon and edit the text within the suggestion block.

Learn more about pull request comments and send us your feedback.

See more

Since shipping multi-line comments back in October, we've heard feedback that many people expected selecting a range of lines and then clicking the "+" button would also create a multi-line comment. Today, you can do just that.

To leave a comment referencing multiple lines, you can either:

  • click on a line number in the diff view, hold Shift, click on a second line number and click the "+" button next to the second line number; or
  • click and hold to the right of a line number, drag and then release the mouse when you’ve reached the desired line.

Learn more about pull request comments or send us your feedback.

See more