GitHub Actions Breaking Change: Ubuntu virtual environments will no longer start the MySQL service automatically

Starting March 3rd, 2020, the Ubuntu virtual environments will no longer start the MySQL service automatically. If you are using MySQL, this may be a breaking change for your workflows. To keep using MySQL, you'll need to start the service as part of your job:

- run: |
    sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

For the latest updates, be sure to subscribe to the announcement in the actions/virtual-environments repository.

Repository administrators have a range of responsibilities including triaging issues, reviewing pull requests and, of course, developing code. One of the main duties of an administrator is managing repository access for organization members, outside collaborators, and teams. To make this easier, we’ve redesigned the access settings page to help administrators better understand who has access to their repository and what level of access they have.

To use the new experience, log in to a repository where you have admin privileges, click on the Settings tab and then click Manage access in the left side bar. We can’t wait to learn how this feature helps you and your workflow! To provide feedback, click the feedback link in the top right corner of the page.

Learn more about managing access to your repository

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Self-Hosted Runners now fully support environments that use a proxy server to connect to GitHub. You can add your proxy server as a Runner setting and leverage common Unix-style proxy environment variables like no_proxy exclusion lists.

Additionally, Actions built using the toolkit will now follow your proxy settings. This includes the common Actions included at

Learn more about using self-hosted runners behind a proxy here.

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