GitHub Security Advisories now out of beta and automatic CVE requests

GitHub Security Advisories, which launched in beta earlier this year, are now generally available. And we’ve made some exciting changes based on feedback from maintainers. First, we’ve added the ability to automatically request a CVE identifier for any Security Advisory. We’ve also refined the process of creating and publishing a Security Advisory, so that it’s clearer when the advisory will become public and easier to provide the information needed to power automatic dependency updates via the GitHub Advisory Database.

Learn more about Security Advisories

Token leaks are one of the most common security mistakes, and they can have disastrous consequences. GitHub Token Scanning looks for leaked tokens in public repositories and works with the issuer to notify the developer and/or revoke the token as appropriate. This protects users from fraud or data leaks. Starting today, GitHub has partnered with GoCardless, HashiCorp, Postman, and Tencent Cloud to scan for their respective developer tokens.

Learn more about token scanning
Partnering with GitHub on token scanning

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Automated security updates (formerly Dependabot and automated security fixes) are now generally available in all public repositories on GitHub. After a popular debut at Satellite 2019, more than 3.5 million active repositories have the feature enabled and receive automated pull requests that update them to the nearest non-vulnerable dependency versions. Thanks to all of our beta testers and Dependabot users for your feedback and support.

Learn more about automated security updates

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