Time-limited blocks for organizations

Since 2016, organizations have been able to block users from their projects, preventing blocked users from opening or commenting on issues or pull requests and further disrupting otherwise constructive conversations around your code.

If after a warning and cool-off period the user is willing to change their behavior, you may want to allow them to participate in your community once again. In addition to the existing permanent bans, organizations can now block users for 24 hours, three days, a week, or a month, after which time they will be automatically unblocked. Many community managers manually implement this “time out” process today, and we hope that by making it easier, more communities will adopt this community management best practice.

For more information about blocking a user from your organization, see the documentation.

Apps that you may have left in your cart will be saved to a “Pending orders” tab on GitHub Marketplace.

In the “Pending orders” tab, you will be able to remove pending orders and continue on to purchase the application with the details pre-loaded.

If you have items in your cart for more than three days, and if you’ve opted to receive emails from us, we will send you an email reminder about your pending order.

This feature is available for the Developer, Team, and Business Cloud plans.

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