Grails Internals Handbook
Inspired by the Merb Internals Handbook, the Grails community has begun working on a handbook of their own: The Grails Internals Handbook. From the README: If you want to contribute,…

Inspired by the Merb Internals Handbook, the Grails community has begun working on a handbook of their own: The Grails Internals Handbook. From the README: If you want to contribute,…
Great blog post. Useful whether you’re on Unix or Windows. Using GitHub Through Draconian Proxies Thanks Jeff! (And sorry you’re stuck behind a proxy 🙂
If so, @dinoboff has you covered! github-tools includes a “PasteScript template, Paver tasks and Sphinx extension to setup a new package and easily host it on GitHub (including its documentation)”.…
Code Watch is now available on the App Store as a paid version which supports private repos and a free version for open source. img http://img.skitch.com/20090525-e9smww21a2bmcijeaincr2gqdb.png http://www.highorderbit.com/codewatch Check it out!
The GitHub Twilight Theme by @miksago is a way to make GitHub… dark. img http://img.skitch.com/20090519-sbqmt73aujis735e9t28xkne.png http://userstyles.org/styles/18041 Requires Firefox, Stylish, and Greasemonkey.
@quirkey has written a great Guide to GitHub Pages, specifically on using the built-in Jekyll integration. img http://img.skitch.com/20090504-n4wr7imm2bk9de3w234c9qg167.png http://www.quirkey.com/blog/2009/05/01/github-pages-for-fun-and-win Check it out and start busting out some awesome documentation for…
Circa is a programming language designed for for rapid prototyping by @andyfischer. The intro page has some good information and the syntax example highlights some interesting ideas: — The @…
Have a nerdy writer in your life? Think they could benefit from version control? Point them at Flashbake by @commandline. Or, even better, point them at this Lifehacker article on…
‘Nuff said. Grab the code and check the README. img http://img.skitch.com/20090429-8ik7kuq27mn2rk6ni5thn5nmjq.png http://github.com/mattball/MBCoverFlowView Nicely done @mattball!
iOctocat is now available on the App Store: http://itunes.com/apps/ioctocat @dbloete has written a blog post announcing it and promising some cool future features (like commit details). img http://img.skitch.com/20090429-fhj6p5benrh1h21ci62ik3bpas.png http://dbloete.github.com/ioctocat Naturally…
GitHub Voice by @tristandunn is a UserVoice-like jQuery plugin for GitHub Issues. Add it to your project’s page or website for ultimate sleekness: img http://img.skitch.com/20090429-fjd5int2sdpnf1jy8k7bxaxyhs.png http://github.com/tristandunn/github-voice Grab the code from…
BusinessWeek has named the GitHub cofounders some of the best young entrepreneurs of 2009. img http://img.skitch.com/20090423-84bcfw91kyr181seqc25dhfedh.jpg http://images.businessweek.com/ss/09/04/0421_best_young_entrepreneurs/17.htm Thanks to everyone who tweeted their support and thanks to BusinessWeek for the…
Amanda developer @djmitche writes: I’m a developer of Amanda, which has been around and open source for over 15 years, but has always had a fairly small development community. We’re…
@mojombo, @pjhyett and I will be doing a panel at Open Source Bridge in June on Bootstrapping Your Open Source Business. img http://opensourcebridge.org/badges/submit240.png http://opensourcebridge.org/proposals/270 It looks like it’ll be a…
As soon as we rolled out version 2 of the API, people started building things with it. Here are some interesting Issues based projects: img http://img.skitch.com/20090420-bwyj4aat2skhi4dstbeu8jum17.jpg lighthouse-to-github – Lighthouse to…
Say hello to Melissa, everyone. She tweets as @luckiestmonkey, tumbles at http://luckiestmonkey.tumblr.com, codes as @luckiestmonkey, and now works for GitHub! img http://img.skitch.com/20090417-gtrdta222aruyhyuhjm8gcj5c1.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/adelcambre/3130143200 She’ll help us run our growing business,…