Cufón – a sIFR alternative
Cufón is fast text replacement with canvas and VML – no Flash or images required. Check the about page or usage page on the wiki for more infos. Of course,…

Cufón is fast text replacement with canvas and VML – no Flash or images required. Check the about page or usage page on the wiki for more infos. Of course,…
@sschroed has created git-phone, an open source GitHub iPhone app. Ever wanted to peek at an iPhone app’s source? Now’s your chance! img http://img.skitch.com/20090226-fbk2jpe14i5xen4n1r191mh2pa.png http://github.com/sschroed/git-phone You can find more screen…
There’s now an unofficial but updated Grails mirror at http://github.com/chanwit/grails. Follow along and never miss a commit! img http://img.skitch.com/20090225-x8imnrtinwmsj32i4ei5yfwyq5.png http://grails.org
img http://img.skitch.com/20090225-gcwgt6q5xcg1jjx33pn6fhrm1t.jpg We’re not sure but think that’s @tapajos under the mask on the left.
@tav has created tweetapp, a framework for creating Twitter apps on App Engine. Twitter’s own API lead @al3x had this to say about it earlier: img http://img.skitch.com/20090217-nxnwx1wy576962pycgejnjj2ip.png http://twitter.com/al3x/status/1220086318 It uses…
You heard me right. php_app manages a pool of persistent PHP processes and provides a simple API to evaluate PHP code from Erlang. The blog post gives a quick overview…
For his senior project, @crnixon is implementing an R5R5 Scheme interpreter called Lemur Scheme. img http://img.skitch.com/20090206-8qpughp6au9gp3s5y6ub5y9wmd.jpg http://crnixon.github.com/lemur-scheme The blog is hosted using GitHub Pages and promises updates on the status…
ObjectiveResource is “a framework for the iPhone that makes interacting with Ruby on Rails applications dead simple.” Basically, it’s a port of ActiveResource to Objective-C. Want to drive a Rails…
Fabric is “designed to upload files to, and run shell commands on, a number of servers in parallel or serially.” img http://img.skitch.com/20090206-mu1i9qjynj9r6fu467cwbsxdwq.png http://www.nongnu.org/fab It’s primarily for deploying changes to web…
@mileszs and Davey Strus have compiled a great list of resources for Vimers of all shapes and sizes. img http://img.skitch.com/20090205-m3xmcardc6crk8nki92h3n2dss.png http://mileszs.github.com Best of all, it’s a GitHub page – which…
JUnit, the Java Unit Testing framework, is now available on GitHub at http://github.com/KentBeck/junit. The impact graph is quite fun – I didn’t know @clarkware was a contributor! Welcome to GitHub,…
Chiplog is a personal journal written in Django by @trey and @myles. It’s not a blog, more like a Twitter that’s only for you. img http://img.skitch.com/20090205-mjfkj5fg19c3pd41pb33aigtuk.png http://trey.github.com/chiplog img http://img.skitch.com/20090205-87r7udtb99t2i2u9j5a2t1gcij.png http://treypiepmeier.com/code/chiplog…
What’s Emoji? According to this Ars Technica article, “Emoji icons offer a wide range of pre-built little pictures that add a little visual splash to your messaging.” img http://img.skitch.com/20090203-b8es9b5ftp4i8ay922m7ihrum5.png http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/02/freemoji-access-emoji-for-free.ars…
@judofyr has created a simple project called Grancher which helps convert directories got git branches. It’s perfect for GitHub Pages. Check out the repo or blog post. Thanks Magnus!
eg is a nifty piece of work. Are you meeting resistance trying to move your coworkers or friends to Git? (“SVN is good enough.”) Know someone who would love to…
From Daring Fireball: One thing I’m noticing about GitHub is that it seems to be the first open source community through which multiple forks of the same project feed back…