YUI Git Helper
Everyone’s favorite @davglass has released his YUI Git helper to make contributing to the YUI suite of repositories even easier. The wiki does a great job of documenting the script…

Everyone’s favorite @davglass has released his YUI Git helper to make contributing to the YUI suite of repositories even easier. The wiki does a great job of documenting the script…
Six Apart, the company behind TypePad, Movable Type, Vox, and other services, has begun open sourcing code on GitHub as @sixapart. img http://img.skitch.com/20090413-jt2m3dksnxejdmyrsfiscs7wqr.png http://github.com/sixapart They join @37signals, @digg, @yahoo, @techcrunch,…
@pcalcado has posted a simple Clojure app that runs on Google App Engine at http://github.com/pcalcado/my-best-mate. img http://img.skitch.com/20090413-xg183ghfpi1tqcix2iwcct2h92.png http://github.com/pcalcado/my-best-mate He’s also written a blog post explaining much about App Engine and…
The code for Planet Scala is now hosted on GitHub. @DRMacIver explains the rationale behind the move: I really don’t care about the web frontend. As far as I’m concerned,…
Michael Foord has written a great blog post summarizing some the recent progress @devhawk (Harry Pierson) has made on the IronPython debugger front. Check it out: Further Adventures of the…
GitHub officially launched one year ago. img http://img.skitch.com/20090410-1au52x6f4c1e4qrudkim7g6e3.png Thanks for a great first year, everyone! I’d also like to give a special thanks to @mojombo, @pjhyett, @schacon, @tekkub, and @qrush…
The highly Googleable E Text Editor is now open source and available on GitHub at http://github.com/etexteditor/e. Read the blog post announcement. img http://img.skitch.com/20090403-hr3ngqymfe34s217b2dejd29e.png http://github.com/etexteditor/e It was open sourced as part…
The four GitHub developers will be doing a panel at RailsConf 2009 this year and want your questions! Please submit them using this Google Moderator app. We’ll record the event,…
@aaronjensen has posted the ASP.NET MVC source code at http://github.com/machine/msmvc. Fork it, implement your ideas (or suggestions as failing tests), then appeal to the ASP.NET MVC overlords for inclusion. (I…
Sideline is a Twitter app for Adobe AIR built with YUI. With it you can create custom queries and group them by topics of interest. img http://img.skitch.com/20090402-te2qnxwwj7y7ws21ye5qgwtj9f.png http://sideline.yahoo.com It’s open…
Drupal_TDD contains code and sample apps to simplify Test Driven Development and unit testing with Drupal. img http://img.skitch.com/20090402-kyk1tg6qs4uk74r6fgrpfkkaxi.png http://github.com/patshaughnessy/drupal_tdd More updates are on the way, so be sure to check…
The Pinax Project, a premiere up and coming platform for rapidly developing Django sites, now lives on GitHub at http://github.com/pinax/pinax. img http://img.skitch.com/20090331-tt68mja4fbn9yy3hsh59kye4c1.png http://pinaxproject.com Cloud27 is an example of what can…
@ccgus just antiquated AppleScript by releasing JSTalk. img http://img.skitch.com/20090327-q79aywy3ngxrw4hwdh1s82emeg.png http://gusmueller.com/blog/archives/2009/03/introducing_jstalk__an_alternative_to_applescript.html From the blog post announcement: JSTalk’s goal can described like this: JSTalk is to AppleScript, what Cocoa is to Carbon.…
Webdesigner Depot has posted a great Intro to Git for Web Designers. It walks through what version control is, why you should use it, the advantages of using Git, and…
Grails, the high-productivity web framework for the Java platform, can now be found on GitHub at http://github.com/grails/grails. img http://img.skitch.com/20090324-m7pd1255rqf7y4e9b5iydn7nka.png http://github.com/grails/grails Welcome, Grailers! Interested in Groovy or Grails? Be sure to…