All In for Students: expanding the next generation of open source leaders

We are pleased to announce the expansion of All In for Students! All In for Students introduces college students to open source and provides them with the education, technical training and career development to prepare them for a summer internship in tech.

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We are pleased to announce the expansion of All In for Students for the 2023 cohort! All In for Students introduces college students to open source and provides them with the education, technical training, and career development to prepare them for internships and other opportunities in tech.

In 2021, we launched the pilot with 30 students from seven universities. All students (100%) who completed the program requirements received internships at leading tech companies, such as Red Hat, Cisco, Intel, Fidelity, and Microsoft. At the conclusion of their internships, several students received invitations to return for a continuation of their internship next year or full-time offers upon graduation. Today, we are proud to launch recruitment for our 2023 cohort of students!

Larger student cohort

This year, the program is growing to provide access and exposure to open source for even more students. For our 2023 cohort, we will have 300 students join us. From streamlining our curriculum to accepting students from all majors who have a passion for tech, we are removing as many barriers to entry so that our program can reflect the vibrant diversity of society and the culture we want to create within open source.

Increased number of university and college partners

We’ve opened the program to include a larger diverse set of colleges and universities—26 in total! We will have a targeted outreach strategy for our partner institutions. which will include a larger number of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), as well as Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), community colleges, and a school founded for the education of Native Americans. We are also opening enrollment across the United States for any student enrolled full-time or part-time at a HBCU, HSI, Women’s College, community college. or any student enrolled at a four-year institution who identifies as a racial or ethnic minority.

Streamlined curriculum to scale impact

With our programming this year, we’re aiming to tailor the coursework and program requirements to meet the students’ needs without being overly burdensome. We have balanced the program by reducing the online coursework by 60% to allow students more time to gain practical technical experience, career development, and networking. No matter where they are in their journey, we will ensure all students receive technical experience through the use of virtual and in-person hackathons. We will provide opportunities and celebrate coding and non-coding contributions.

Diversified mix of career opportunities

During last year’s pilot, we learned that not all students want to work for a large corporation, some students aren’t able to work a typical “nine to five” due to other important commitments, and not all students are computer science majors and want to be a software engineer. Therefore, in 2023, we are partnering with a larger variety of organizations to include additional corporations, startups, nonprofits, and open source communities to provide more options for open source opportunities.

Through this second year of All In for Students, we hope to not only expand the program, but continue to learn and evolve so that we can create a more inclusive experience for our next generation of open source leaders.

If you would like to get involved, here’s how:

  • If you are a student or know a student who is eligible and can benefit from the All In program, send them this link and encourage them to participate.
  • If you are a company or organization interested in offering open source opportunities to All In for Students participants, sign up to become a partner.

If you have questions about the program please visit our website or feel free to reach out to:

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