Our Cybersecurity Tech Accord pledge

We’re pledging to strengthen cybersecurity and collaborate to build a more resilient internet.

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Today we’re joining a collective of companies across the technology supply chain in committing to a common set of cybersecurity principles. We are pledging to:

  1. Protect our users and customers everywhere;
  2. Oppose efforts to attack innocent citizens and enterprises;
  3. Empower users, customers, and developers to strengthen cybersecurity protection; and
  4. Partner with each other and with other like-minded groups to enhance cybersecurity.

We’re committed to working collaboratively with engineers, researchers, policy makers, and others who play a role in cybersecurity to make the internet a more secure and resilient global resource. Protecting the internet is becoming more urgent every day as more fundamental vulnerabilities in infrastructure are discovered—and in some cases used by government organizations for cyberattacks that threaten to make the internet a theater of war. Reaching industry-wide agreement on security principles and collaborating with global technology companies is a crucial step toward securing our future.

We believe security needs to be embedded into software development, and we’re building features to make that a reality. For years, we’ve participated in bug bounties to find and fix problems with existing infrastructure. And this is just the beginning. We’ll continue advocating against policies that will make software more fragile and for policies that promote stronger internet security.

We’re all in this together. We welcome other companies who share our commitment to the Cybersecurity Tech Accord principles to join this effort, and we encourage governments to protect civilians from the harm of cyberattacks.

Learn more about the Cybersecurity Tech Accord

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