Connect with developers around the world on the GitHub Community Forum

The open source community proves that when creative people get together on an open platform, great things happen: Code gets better, new technologies emerge, and the way we build software…

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The open source community proves that when creative people get together on an open platform, great things happen: Code gets better, new technologies emerge, and the way we build software changes. Now there’s a new way to connect with developers around the world. Join the GitHub Community Forum to ask questions, swap stories, and share ideas, regardless of whether you work on public or private projects.

Explore the Community Forum

Take a look at the GitHub Community Forum

You’re already on GitHub, contributing your skills and collaborating on code. With the Community Forum, you can also use GitHub to:

  • Learn from and support a community of 24 million developers. Tap into the collective knowledge of the world’s largest developer community—and get help from GitHub staff, too.
  • Find the answers you need when you need them. Search for information across all conversations in the Community Forum.
  • Browse tips and tricks for working better. We’ll share how-to articles on everything from cloning a repository to managing an open source community.
  • Get recognized for your contributions and expertise. Your help is important! The more you participate, the higher your rank will be.

Best of all, we’re just getting started. Head over to to write your first post, contribute to the conversation, and let us know what you think! With your feedback, we can keep growing the Community Forum in meaningful ways and release even more features in 2018.

The conversation’s already started. We hope you’ll join in!

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